Shani Deva Homa and Puja
Shani Graha Shanti Pooja and Homam to remove Troubles, obstacles, Misfortunes
Holy Pooja and Homa to the Planet Saturn |
Grah raj Surya putra shanischarayah namah:
Offer Holy Puja or Homa to Grah Raj Shani Deva
It is said that if Shani Deva i.e. the Effect of Saturn goes against you then your life may be Ruined. Facing of Troubles, Obstacles and misfortunes may make your life extremely miserable. Shani Shanti Puja and Homa which is performed in personalized way for you may create a powerful spiritual Guard on you to give you a protection and guard against Saturn's evil effect. Shani Shanti Puja / Homam is also said to be very effective for those who are passing through Shani Dasha, antar dasha , Pratyantar Dasha, Shani Sade sati, Kantak Shani etc.
6 th main celestial body in our solar system
i.e. Planet SATURN is regarded as the Shanaishwar, SHANI DEVA Or SHANI BHAGAVAN (One of the planetary God) in Hindu
Religion and Vedic Astrology who being a Judge gives the results of one's deeds throughout
his or her life
as appropriate rewards or punishments. In Hindu mythoogy, Shani is considered to be a Deva
(God). He is the son of Surya (the Hindu Sun God) and his wife Chhaya (Shadow Goddess). He is the elder brother of
Yama, the Hindu God of death. Planet Saturn is believed to be the strongest malefic Planet. But he is a greatest teacher too who represents effort, patience, endeavour and endurance. Lord Saturn i.e. Shani Deva rules over misery, sorrow, old age, longevity, death, restriction, responsibility, discipline, delays, leadership, authority, ambition, humility, integrity, wisdom etc. SHANI PUJA and SHANI HOMA is done to appease planet Saturn and to get the blessings of Shani Deva so that Life goes smoothly that its dreaded malefic effect can be minimized or removed and the peace can be RESTORED in life. Shani Deva is the God of 'Karm' i.e. activeness. It is said, if SHANI DEVA is in your favour or if SHANI DEVA is satisfied with you then all of your desires will be fulfilled - Because the effect of Shani Grah is such that it will steer you in all of your activities which brings success. You may get an uninterrupted all-round progress in your personal, professional, working life. But if Shani Deva is not in your favour then your life may be miserable ... ...all round loss and uncertainty, loss of hope will be there ... in each and every point of your activities you will face trouble and as a result your life may be full of distress and success is far ...far away of your reach. A successful man may start facing immense negative effects in professional and personal life any time whenever the negative effect of SHANI DEVA come and fall on him/her. So the first thing is to keep Shani Deva always in your favour. The Malefic effect of Shani i.e. planet Saturn is so intense that being under this effect even a King may have to live a life of a beggar. Therefore the foremost step is to bring Shani Deva in your favour and to minimize or remove the malefic effects of Shani Deva through Shani Pujan and Shani Homa.
It is believed that Lord Saturn bestows all benefits to those devotees who pray to him with full devotion. Shani Shanti Puja, Shani shanti Homa, Shani Yantra, Shani Kavach and Shani Mantra Japa are said to play very vital role to appease Grah Raj Shani Deva to remove or Minimize the Malefic effect of Shani i.e. Saturn on you and to bestow Good Luck, Peace and Prosperity. Grah Raj Shani Deva Pujan and Homam is recomended to get rid of various hindrances and obstacles. Grah Raj Shani Shanti Puja and Homa is recomended -
However, Remember that Shani Deva is also very kind hearted. He gets satisfied easily and bless you if you pray to him with a pure heart. Grah Raj Shani Deva teaches us the truth of life by giving all round experience. As Iron turns into Steel through the suitable process; likewise by giving pains, delays, frustration, endurance, joy and pleasures Shani Deva matures us gradually. He Punishes us of our wrong deeds and rewards us for our Good "karm" (works). At the end of Shani Astrological Dasha or Maha Dasha Grah Raj Shani Deva blesses us with rewards. Apart from offering Puja and Homa etc. you can take following steps for getting the blessings of Shani Deva -
We Provide services of offering Shani Grah Shanti Puja and Shani Homam in personalized way for you. You can offer Shani Pujan or Shani Homam online and for this pls. click below - This Shani Deva Homa includes several thousands Special Japas
PLs. note, A SINGLE SHANI PUJA DOES NOT SERVE THE PURPOSE IN MOST OF THE TIME. IT SHOULD BE DONE REPEATEDLY ON WEEKLY BASIS FOR A FIXED PERIOD OF TIME Like for 8 weeks, 12 weeks or 26 weeks or more. Offering of Holy Puja and Homa to Grah Raj Shani deva may remove the Shani or saturn related problems.
We Provide services of offering Shani Grah Shanti Puja and Shani Homam in personalized way for you. You can offer Shani Pujan or Shani Homam online and for this pls. click below. However, pls. note, A SINGLE SHANI PUJA DOES NOT SERVE THE PURPOSE IN MOST OF THE TIME. IT SHOULD BE DONE REPEATEDLY ON WEEKLY BASIS FOR A FIXED PERIOD OF TIME Like for 8 weeks, 12 weeks or 26 weeks or more. Offering of Holy Puja and Homa to Grah Raj Shani deva may remove the Shani or saturn related problems -
Cost of Shani Shanti Pooja :-
Shani Deva Puja and Homam : - Shani Deva Homam is more intensive spiritual process for appeasing the planet SATURN igniting fire and conducting "Ahuti" and Several thousands Shani Beej Mantra Japa. Shani Homa also includes 8 weeks Shani Puja package after the Homa held.
Pls. Click Below for offering your Shani Deva Puja and Homam online -
After placing order you may write us your details in a separate email to us i.e. your date of birth, place of birth, time of birth, your gotra, your star, purpose of your Homam (your wishes). You may send your photograph too that will be only used in your spiritual event. You may write us at -
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