Pujas on 2024 




New Year Puja


Ganesh Souvagya 



Saraswati Puja


Bagalamukhi Jayanti


Maha Shivaratri




Chaitra Navaratri


Akshya Tritiya


Narasimha Chaturdashi


Falharini Kali Puja


Vipadtarini Puja


Rath Yatra


Shravan Shiva Puja


Krishna Jhulan Yatra


Kaushi Amavasya


Krishna Janmastami i.e.

 Krishna Jayanti


Ganesh Chaturthi 


Tarpan i.e. Sarva Pitru





Durga Puja


Package 4 major Pujas


Package 2 major Pujas


Kojagori Lakshmi 


Maha Kali Puja 


Diwali i.e. Deepavali


Lakshmi-Kuber Homa on



Jagadhatri Puja






Try to give us your following details as much possible, along with your order or through a separate email to us at indusland@yahoo.com -

Name, Date of birth, Place of Birth,  Time of Birth, Gotra (if you know), Star i.e. Nakshatra, your Address and wishes 

for this Puja (if possible)











You may also make payment to Bharat Spiritual (Phone : 9231571119) through Google Pay / PayTm

In the note write your name, Puja/Homa etc. you opted for, your Phone no.

 In a separate email write your details and send it to pujaonline@gmail.com 


















Try to give us your following details as much possible, along with your order or through a separate email to us at indusland@yahoo.com -

Name, Date of birth, Place of Birth,  Time of Birth, Gotra (if you know), Star i.e. Nakshatra, your Address and wishes 

for this Puja (if possible)




























You may also make payment to Bharat Spiritual (Phone : 9231571119) through Google Pay / PayTm

In the note write your name, Puja/Homa etc. you opted for, your Phone no.

 In a separate email write your details and send it to pujaonline@gmail.com 



























Try to give us your following details as much possible, along with your order or through a separate email to us at indusland@yahoo.com -

Name, Date of birth, Place of Birth,  Time of Birth, Gotra (if you know), Star i.e. Nakshatra, your Address and wishes 

for this Puja (if possible)



















You may also make payment to Bharat Spiritual (Phone : 9231571119) through Google Pay / PayTm

In the note write your name, Puja/Homa etc. you opted for, your Phone no.

 In a separate email write your details and send it to pujaonline@gmail.com 
































Try to give us your following details as much possible, along with your order or through a separate email to us at indusland@yahoo.com -

Name, Date of birth, Place of Birth,  Time of Birth, Gotra (if you know), Star i.e. Nakshatra, your Address and wishes 

for this Puja (if possible)



















You may also make payment to Bharat Spiritual (Phone : 9231571119) through Google Pay / PayTm

In the note write your name, Puja/Homa etc. you opted for, your Phone no.

 In a separate email write your details and send it to pujaonline@gmail.com 









































Try to give us your following details as much possible, along with your order or through a separate email to us at indusland@yahoo.com -

Name, Date of birth, Place of Birth,  Time of Birth, Gotra (if you know), Star i.e. Nakshatra, your Address and wishes 

for this Puja (if possible)





















You may also make payment to Bharat Spiritual (Phone : 9231571119) through Google Pay / PayTm

In the note write your name, Puja/Homa etc. you opted for, your Phone no.

 In a separate email write your details and send it to pujaonline@gmail.com 














Always try to give us your following details along with your order or through a separate email to us at indusland@yahoo.com -

Name, Gotra (if possible), Star i.e. Nakshatra (if possible),   Date of birth, Place of Birth,  Time of Birth (if possible),  your Address and wishes for this Puja


























Try to give us your following details as much possible, along with your order or through a separate email to us at indusland@yahoo.com -

Name, Date of birth, Place of Birth,  Time of Birth, Gotra (if you know), Star i.e. Nakshatra, your Address and wishes 

for this Puja (if possible)






















You may also make payment to Bharat Spiritual (Phone : 9231571119) through Google Pay / PayTm

In the note write your name, Puja/Homa etc. you opted for, your Phone no.

 In a separate email write your details and send it to pujaonline@gmail.com 
























Payment Options











Try to give us your following details as much possible, along with your order or through a separate email to us at indusland@yahoo.com -

Name, Date of birth, Place of Birth,  Time of Birth, Gotra (if you know), Star i.e. Nakshatra, your Address and wishes 

for this Puja (if possible)












Payment Options





You may also make payment to Bharat Spiritual (Phone : 9231571119) through Google Pay / PayTm

In the note write your name, Puja/Homa etc. you opted for, your Phone no. 

In a separate email write your details and send it to pujaonline@gmail.com 










lways try to give us your following details along with your order or through a separate email to us at indusland@yahoo.com -

Name, Gotra (if possible), Star i.e. Nakshatra (if possible),   Date of birth, Place of Birth,  Time of Birth (if possible),  your Address and wishes for this Puja





























You may also make payment to Bharat Spiritual (Phone : 9231571119) through Google Pay / PayTm

In the note write your name, Puja/Homa etc. you opted for, your Phone no. 

In a separate email write your details and send it to pujaonline@gmail.com 















You may also make payment to Bharat Spiritual (Phone : 9231571119) through Google Pay / PayTm

In the note write your name, Puja/Homa etc. you opted for, your Phone no. 

In a separate email write your details and send it to pujaonline@gmail.com 













You may also make payment to Bharat Spiritual (Phone : 9231571119) through Google Pay / PayTm

In the note write your name, Puja/Homa etc. you opted for, your Phone no. 

In a separate email write your details and send it to pujaonline@gmail.com 





Pujas on 2024 


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Hindu Pujas and Festivals in 2024

|| Jan 15 : Makarsankranti / Pongal || 20th Jan : Baglamukhi Jayanti || 20th Jan : Ratanti Kali Puja || 25th Jan : Vinayak Chaturthi || 26th Jan : Vasant Panchami || 18th-19th Feb  : Maha Shivaratri  || Mar 7th-8th - Holi ||  || Mar 22 - 30 Chaitra Navratri || Mar 30: Ramnavami ||  Apr 6th : Hanuman Jayanti || Apr 15 : Bengali New Year || Apr : 23rd : Akshaya Tritiya || || May 25 : Narsingh Chaturdasi || May 6 : Uma-Maheswar Puja || May 5 : Budh Purnima || May 5 : Gandheswari Puja  || May 18 : Fal Harini Kali Pooja || 

|| May 30 : DasaHara || Jun 22 - 26  : Ambubachi ||  June  20 - 28  : Rath Yatra  || June 24 & 27 : Bipad Tarini Vrat & Puja || Jul 3 : Guru Purnima || 

|| July 7 : Naag Panchmi ||  Aug 26 - 30 : Sri Krishna Jhulan yatra || Aug 18 : Devi Manasa Puja || Aug 31 : Raksha-Bandhan || Sep 6 : Krishna Janmashtami || 

|| Sep 19 : Ganesh Chaturthi || Oct 14 : Mahalaya, sarva pitri shraddha Amavasya  || Oct 15 - 23  : Navaratri || Oct 20 - 24: Durga Puja  || Oct 24 : Dusshera || Oct 28 : Sharad Purnima, Kojagori Lakshmi Puja || Oct  : Karva Chauth || Nov 10  : Dhan Teras || Nov 12 : Maha Kali Puja, Amavasya || Nov 13 : Diwali || Nov 15 : Bhai Dooj || 

|| Nov 19 : Chhath Puja || Nov 21 : Jagadhatri Puja || Nov 26 : Srikrishna Raas Yatra || Nov 27 : Guru Nanak Jayanti || Nov 17 : Kartikeya Pooja Murugan||


Sarva Siddhi Puja & Homa (NEW YEAR PUJA & HOMAM on 21st January)


Sarva Siddhi Puja (NEW YEAR PUJA & HOMAM) :-

Sarva Siddhi Puja of the New Year is the Puja for getting SUCCESS, ABUNDANCE, PEACE AND PROSPERITY. This Puja is performed so that you can get Success in your Work, Business, Projects and Efforts ... ...so that you can have enough Monetary Abundances, Financial strength, Wealth and  Properties ... ...so that you can get Prosperity and Peace  and you can achieve your target ...achieve your Goal ... ...in the NEW YEAR .

Sarva Siddhi Puja of the New Year consist of offering Puja to Shiva-Shakti, Lord Ganesh, Devi Lakshmi


 Pls. Click Below for offering your Sarva Siddhi Puja (NEW YEAR PUJA) online -

Secure PayU online 

Checkout (in Rupee Symbol Text INR) -

Paypal Checkout -



Sarva Siddhi Homa  (NEW YEAR HOMA) :-

Sarva Siddhi Homa of the New Year consists of  3 Main Homas. Those are -

Lakshmi-Ganesh Homa : For an auspicious beginning free of obstacles in the new year and Success, wealth abundance 

and prosperity.
Shiva-Shakti Homa :
For Health, well-being, bondage and Peace in family.

Navagraha Homa :  To appease the nine Stars and Planets that influence all our lives in every aspect.

Sarva Siddhi Homa will be performed on 9th & 10th January 2023.


Pls. Click Below for offering your Sarva Siddhi HOMAM (NEW YEAR PUJA & HOMAM both) online -


Secure PayU online 

Checkout (in Rupee Symbol Text INR) -

Paypal Checkout -



On the starting of New Year  you may also go for offering of auspicious SRI SUKTHA HOMAM of DEVI MAHA LAKSHMI. Sri Sukta Homam of Devi Lakshmi is a very powerful Homa which is performed for restoring and retaining Health, Wealth, peace, prosperity & abundance in life ...and remove obstacles. If you want to offer this Puja / Homa then , pls. visit -





Ganesh Vinayak Souvagya Chaturthi


Offering Puja to lord Ganesh is believed to bring Good Luck, Prosperity, Success. 

Ganesh Souvagya Chaturthi to be held on 13th February. This Puja and Homa is specially offered for 

someone's Good Luck and Good Fortune. For offering this Puja in personalized way Pls. click below -


CCAvenue Payment Check out -

Offer Puja Now  

Offer Homa & Puja both

Paypal Payment for Ganesh Homa on this Tithi -



Saraswati Puja 


Holy Saraswati Puja is ahead on "Vasant Panchami" i.e. on 14th February . The Goddess Saraswathi is worshipped as the Goddess of Learning, the deity of Gayathri, the fountain of fine arts and science, and the symbol of supreme vedantic knowledge. Goddess Saraswati is the goddess of knowledge, education and intellect. She is controller of education, intelligence and speech. Knowledge is power and from Vedic times, Goddes Saraswati is regarded as the giver of wisdom. Every human being requires knowledge, intelligence & learning for running their day-to-day's activities and it is believed since vedic ages that by worshiping Devi Saraswati somebody can keep his / her all those senses (knowledge, education and intellect) active. School going students or students pursuing higher studies, Teachers, Doctors , Lawyers, Scientists, Service holders or Business men worship Devi Saraswati for getting her blessing in this regard.

Devi Saraswati is the consort of Lord Brahma and is the Goddess of Wisdom and Knowledge. She is the personification of knowledge - arts, science, crafts. She represents Shakti, creativity and inspiration. By performing Puja and Homam to goddess Saraswati one is blessed with success in the examinations, gains concentration and his memory power increases. For acquiring spiritual wisdom also, the grace of Goddess Saraswati is very essential. It is believed that on Offering Pujas to Devi Saraswati students will perfrom well in the examinations and Only good thoughts springup in their minds. 

Devi Saraswati is sometimes described of having four hands. Two hands holding and playing Vina (violin), one holding aksamala (rosary which signifies concentration, meditation, and contemplation) and fourth hand has a Book ( a symbol of true knowledge). Her four hands represent four aspects of human personality in learning: mind, intellect, alertness and ego.


Pls. Click Below for offering your Sarswati Puja online -

Secure PayU online 

Checkout (in Rupee Symbol Text INR) -

Paypal Checkout -



Pls. Click Below for offering your Sarswati Homam & Puja both online -

Secure PayU online 

Checkout (in Rupee Symbol Text INR) -

Paypal Checkout -



You may also make payment to Bharat Spiritual (Phone : 9231571119) through Google Pay / PayTm

In the note write your name, Puja/Homa etc. you opted for, your Phone no. 

In a separate email write your details and send it to pujaonline@gmail.com 




Maha Shiva Puja on Maha Shivratri  ( 8th-9th March )





8th-9th March 2024  is one of the most auspicious tithi for offering special Puja and Homam to Lord Shiva. This tithi comes only once in a year. Lord Shiva is worshiped during the whole night. This is Mahashivratri. It is said that the person who offers Puja and prayers to Lord Shiva on this auspicious day, gets the Blessings of lord Shiva and his or her wishes get fulfilled. Maha Shiva Puja on Maha Shivaratri fulfills the desires of Devotees. This Puja & Homa is very auspicious for giving and recovering your financial stability, Success & Prosperity; Recovering and giving of your Good Health; Giving and recovering of Mental peace and also integrating of Material and Spiritual Progress. 


In this very holy Tithi of Mahashivratri Offer your Special online Puja to Lord Shiva -  the supreme God of the universe specially for getting peace, prosperity, happiness at your Home and in life and destroying your enemy or evil forces around you which prevents your prosperity. People also offer Puja to lord shiva in this auspicious tithi for getting a healthy body, getting a rescue from any forthcoming dangers or any kind of accident, Peace at home, getting well or rescue from dreaded fevers or diseases. Lord Shiva is believed as MRITYUNJAYEE - he who can stop the untimely death. Shivaratri Puja is believed to be very very effective for keeping a very good husband-wife relationship between a couple. Hindu women offers Puja to Lord shiva at this tithi for getting a very good husband - life partner.

 You can offer online puja on Mahashivaratri through us. We offer Puja on behalf of you after getting your Puja-order that includes  your details  and required Puja Amount from you.  'Holy Pushpa', Belpaata (Billapatra i.e. wood apple tree leaves) and and other after-puja-upachars will be sent directly at your address. 

For Offering Puja Pls. click below  -  

Secure PayU online 

Checkout (in Rupee Symbol Text INR) -

Paypal Checkout -


Never forget to mention the purpose of your Puja (if any)


If you want to offer Holy Homam i.e. Havan and Puja both Together to lord Shiva on this auspicious occasion of  "Maha Shiva Ratri" then pls. click below -

Secure PayU online 

Checkout (in Rupee Symbol Text INR) -

Paypal Checkout -



If you want to offer Holy Homam i.e. Havan and Puja both Together to lord Shiva & Parvati on this Maha Shiva Ratri then pls. click below -

Secure PayU online 

Checkout (in Rupee Symbol Text INR) -

Paypal Checkout -


You may also offer Auspicious Shiva Rudrabhishek Homam on Maha Shivratri 

Click Here




|| UP |

You may also make payment to Bharat Spiritual (Phone : 9231571119) through Google Pay / PayTm

In the note write your name, Puja/Homa etc. you opted for, your Phone no. 

In a separate email write your details and send it to pujaonline@gmail.com 






Radha-Krishna is an eternal symbol of Love ... the God or Goddess for eternal Love ... the inseparable bondage ...a perfect portrait of never-ending  Love. People offer Puja to RADHA-KRISHNA for getting Love & Peace in his/her life.  RADHA-KRISHNA IS TREATED AS THE LOVE GOD and offering PUJA to this LOVE GOD may fulfill your secret desire of getting a perfect love partner in your life.


Now if you want,  you can Offer your Special Puja to Radha Krishna  online on HOLI on 25th-26th MARCH - the special ceremony Tithi for worshipping Radha-Krishna to get your desired love or to get  back your lost Love, for having a very good and smooth love relationship with your loved one, for having a peace, prosperity and  happiness at your Home and in your life.


Offer Puja Now





Holy Puja on Chaitra Navratri  (9th - 17th April)

Chaitra or Chaitri Navaratri which is also called Vasant Navratri is celebrated with great devotion by devotees. During the festival of Navratri, Devi  Durga is worshipped as nine incarnations i.e. avatars. During these nine holy days, each day one of the Avtars of goddess Durga  is worshipped. Navaratri is basically a very auspicious celebration for Nine days  to adore and offering Puja to Mother Goddess Devi Durga.

Nine Incarnation i.e. Avtars are -
  1. Mata Shailputri

  2. Mata Brahmacharini

  3. Mata Chandraghanta

  4. Mata Kushmanda

  5. Ma Skanda Mata

  6. Mata Katyayani

  7. Mata Kalratri

  8. Mata Maha Gauri

  9. Mata Siddhidatri

You may Offer Holy and Auspicious Navratri Puja Online, during Nine days or nights  to -

Overcome obstacles

Fulfill Your Desires

Combat Your Enemies

Bring Success, Prosperity  & Peace in Life.


CCAvenue Checkout - CCAvenue Checkout -
Paypal Checkout -


For offering Puja on auspicious NAVRATRI

Paypal Checkout -


For offering Devi Chandi Homa and Puja both auspicious NAVRATRI



Akshyay Tritiya ( 10th May )



The third day of the waxing moon in the month of Vaishaka is celebrated as Akshyay Tritiya. 'Akshay' means eternal, imperishable. The effects of which last for an eternity. In this auspicious Tithi, people mainly worship Goddess Lakshmi and Lord Ganesh for having Good fortune, success, wealth, abundance and prosperity. Akshay Tritiya is believed to be one of the most auspicious and  blessed days in the year. You may offer your Holy Puja or Homam on this auspicious Tithi of Akshyay Tritiya and get the Holy Divine Blessings for getting Success, Abundance, Good Luck, Peace and Prosperity.


Offering Puja & Homa to  Lord Ganesha and Devi Lakshmi is believed to bring Success, Prosperity, Wealth, Abundance and Peace in life with the Divine blessings. Auspicious Akshyay Tritiya  is one of the most auspicious day when both Devi Lakshmi and Lord Ganesh is worshipped together. 


Lakshmi is the Goddess of wealth and prosperity, both material and spiritual. In Hindu mythology, Goddess Lakshmi, also called "Shree". She is the consort of Lord Vishnu and the Goddess of wealth and fortune. In the Vedas, she called Sri. Goddess.

Another name of Lord Ganesh is SIDDHIVINAYAK ...THE GOD WHO GIVES SUCCESS. For Getting Success in life, for destroying obstacles on the way of your life path, for getting Good Luck and Prosperity Ganesh Puja and Homa plays a very vital role.


You may offer your regards, Pooja and Homam online to Lord Ganesha and Devi Lakshmi both on this very  Auspicious "Tithi" (time phase) of Akshyay Tritiya and get the Holy Divine Blessings for getting Success, Abundance Good Luck Piece and Prosperity.

Price : Rs.2100 or US $ 36 (Puja) // 5001 or US $ 123 (Homam)

For offering Holy Pooja and Homam on Akshyay Tritiya Click Below -

Secured PayU Payment Checkout

Offer Puja Now

Offer Homa & Puja both

Secured Paypal Checkout -


For offeing Puja   


For Homam & Puja both 


You may also make payment to Bharat Spiritual (Phone : 9231571119) through Google Pay / PayTm

In the note write your name, Puja/Homa etc. you opted for, your Phone no. 

In a separate email write your details and send it to pujaonline@gmail.com 





Narasingha or Narasimha Chaturdashi (25th May )

Narashinga or Narasimha is the Avatar of Lord Vishnu. Narasimha Chaturdashi is held on the 14 th day of the new moon phase of the month Vaishak. This Chaturdashi is very auspicious 'Tithi' (Date and time phase) for offering Pooja to Lord Vishu in the form of Lord Narashima. It is said that who perform Puja to Lord Narsimha at this Tithi with full devotion, his or her all desires are fulfilled.

You may offer Online Puja  to Lord Narasingha at this Auspicious Tithi  through us. We may offer your Puja in personalized way for you and the After-Puja-Upachars will be sent to you. For this Just click Below -

CCAvenue Payment Checkout

Offer Puja Now  

PayPal Checkout

Offer Puja


Offer Auspicious Puja and Maha Sudarshan Homa on Narsimha Chaturdashi Offer Auspicious Puja and Maha Sudarshan Homa on Narsimha Chaturdashi


Try to give us your following details along with your order or through a separate email to us at indusland@yahoo.com -

Name, Gotra (if possible), Star i.e. Nakshatra (if possible),   Date of birth, Place of Birth,  Time of Birth (if possible),  your Address and Purpose of your Puja.



You may also make payment to Bharat Spiritual (Phone : 9231571119) through Google Pay / PayTm

In the note write your name, Puja/Homa etc. you opted for, your Phone no. 

In a separate email write your details and send it to pujaonline@gmail.com 


|| UP ||  

Falharini Kali Puja (18 May)

Falharini Kali Puja is very auspicious Kali Puja event which is held in the auspicious Amavasya Tithi of the Month of Jyestha. This Kalipuja is held mainly with offering of fruits to Devi Kali. The Divine mother Kali is believed to remove the negative 'Karm' (negative work) and Sin done by someone  knowingly or unknowingly. The Holy Mother is worshipped for getting materialistic or non-materialistic gain of devotees as per their wishes. Devotees offer Puja & Havan for removing obstacles, getting of Success and prosperities, getting a rescue from problems.

You may offer this auspicious Puja & Homam i.e. Havan on this auspicious occasion by clicking link below -


PayPal Payment

For Puja Only



PayPal Payment

For Puja & Homam both



Rathyatra or Rath Yatra of Lord  JAGANNATH (20-28th June)

Lord Jagannath - the incarnation of Lord Vishnu ...Lord Krishna, is worshipped as the rescuer of the people of this world from Grief, sorrows, pains, uncertainties and distress. Rathayatra i.e. Chariot festival is the most auspicious festival of worshipping Lord Jagannath which is going to be held on 20th June  and will be continued  upto 28 th June (return Rath Yatra) . This is the most auspicious 'Tithi' for offering online personalized Puja to Lord Jagannath.


If you want, you may offer online Puja to LORD JAGANNATH on this auspicious occasion. It is said that offering Pujas to Lord Jagannath with full devotion, brings  fulfilling your desires,  removing obstacles, getting success  with Divine blessings and getting a wonderful life with peace, prosperity, protection and happiness ... ... ... . Your Puja will be held on every day from 20th June to 28 th June (return Rath Yatra).

  Offer Puja on Rathyatra 





Shravan Shiva Puja


(17th July - 17th August)


Shravan Shiva Puja 


It is said that if somebody offer Puja to Lord Shiva on the Month of "Shravan"  with Ganga Water, Bilva Patra, Akanda or Dhutra, Lord Shiva get satisfied with him / her and bless for fulfilling his/her all secret desires. He sets him/her free from distress and give Shanti ...peace in mind ... and It is the belief of millions & Millions of devotees. 


 If you do not have much time for offering Puja to Lord SHIVA personally then you may take our services. We offer Holy Puja on behalf of you and your family for next 30 days at a very low cost of INR Rs. 160/- per day Total RS. 4800 or US $ 3.1 per day i.e. Total at $ 93. For ordering pls. Click below -

Secure PayPal Payment

for international Devotees


Secure PayU Payment 

for domestic Devotees 

You may also make payment of Rs. 4800/- to Bharat Spiritual (Phone : 9231571119) through Google Pay / PayTm

In the note write your name, Puja/Homa etc. you opted for, your Phone no. 

In a separate email write your details and send it to pujaonline@gmail.com 


  You may also offer -  


Shiva homam : Online Puja Homa to Lord Shiva (bharatspiritual.org)




Auspicious Rudra Abhishek Homam in the month of Shravan 




Vipadtarini Puja ( 24 th & 27 th June )

Tithis for Vipad Tarini Vrat are auspicious "Tithis" i.e. auspicious time phases for offering Pujas to Devi Kali who removes Hurdles and Dangers. People who are facing obstacles, constant hurdles or feeling something dangers may happen ahead may offer Puja or Homam at this auspicious Tithi Devi Kali.

If you want you may offer Vipadtarini Puja on this auspicious "Tithi". You may also opt for Vipadtarini Homam if you feel you are facing intense Problems or may feel something danger may happen ahead. It is said that Devi KALI Kills your bad time and Negatinve effect of Life. It is  also said that offering Puja and homam to Devi Kali gives you protection, success and prosperity ; removes obstacles and nullify the effect of your enemies works against you.

CCAvenue Payment for Vipad tarini Puja 

Offer Vipadtarini Puja Now


CCAvenue Payment for Vipad tarini Puja & Homam both

Offer Vipadtarini Homam Now

PayPal Payment for Vipadtarini Puja



PayPal Payment for Vipadtarini Puja & Homam both



Pls. try to give us your following details along with your order or through a separate email to us at indusland@yahoo.com -

Your Name, Gotra (if possible), Star i.e. Nakshatra (if possible),   Date of birth, Place of Birth,  Time of Birth (if possible),  your Address and Purpose of your Puja.


You may also make payment to Bharat Spiritual (Phone : 9231571119) through Google Pay / PayTm

In the note write your name, Puja/Homa etc. you opted for, your Phone no. 

In a separate email write your details and send it to pujaonline@gmail.com 


Jhulan Yatra Festival


Radha- Krishna -  the eternal symbol of of Love ... the God or Goddess for eternal Love ...  Coming 26 th August - 30 th August are some very auspicious days for offering Puja to Radha Krishna. These days are special days for worshiping the Symbol of Eternal Bondage of Love RADHA KRISHNA. Now if you want,  you can Offer your Special Puja to them online for getting your love or getting back your lost Love, peace, prosperity and  happiness at your Home and in your life. 


You can offer your Puja at any single day to Radha Krishna within 26 th August - 30 th August which will be held in personalised way ...for you.

 Offer Puja Now 

Paypal Checkout - 

You can offer your Puja, during all 5 days of 26th August - 30 th Augustto Radha Krishna  which will be held in personalised way ...for you.

 Offer Puja Now 

Paypal Checkout - 


  Payment Options


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HOLY JANMASTAMI i.e Krishna Jayanti


Krishna Janmastami or Krishna Jayanti the Birthday of Lord Krishna, the eighth Divine Incarnation of Lord Vishnu who took birth in this world thousands years back. It falls on the 8 th day of the month of Bhadrapada (August-September) i.e. 8 days after the Shravan Poornima. This is one of the greatest Hindu festivals and the most auspicious "Tithi" for offering Puja to Lord Krishna. Lord Krishna was born at midnight. A twenty-four hour fast is observed on this day, which is broken at midnight.


you may Offer Puja to Lord Krishna on Holy Janmastami to be held on  September 6th After the Holy Puja -  Prasad, Holy Flowers etc. will be send to You. Puja will be held in Personalised manner for you. If you want to offer Your holy Puja on this holy day then Pls. send your your details and Puja Amount before September 6th this year.




CCAvenue Checkout -

 Offer Puja Now    

Paypal Checkout -


Holy Srikrishna Jayanti is also a very auspicious "Tithi" (auspicious time phase) for offering of MAHA SUDARSHAN HOMA of Lord Krishna (vishnu). You may offer this  auspicious Homa for you and your family to get PROTECTION, PROSPERITY, LOVE & PEACE in life. For offering Holy Maha Sudarshan Homa pls. click below -

CCAvenue Checkout -

  Offer MahaSudarshan Homa on Srikrishna Jayanti 

Paypal Checkout -










Offer your Online Puja or Pooja on Holy Ganesh Chaturthi

" Om Shri Ganeshaya Namah..!" Lord Ganesh is invoked at the commencement of any good action. He is the god who protects his devotees from all obstacles. He is the master of knowledge and achievement. He is the God who gives you 'Karm' (work or Profession), he is the god who gives you 'Sampadan' (execution and performance), he is the God who gives you 'Safalta' (the real success) removing all hindrances.  

Ganesh Chaturthi is celebrated as the birthday of Lord Ganesh - the symbol of wisdom and good luck. This year this auspicious day is September 19th. Offer Puja to Siddhi Vinayak Lord Ganesh on this auspicious occasion. May Lord Ganesh bring Good Luck and Prosperity to you all...

It is believed that Offering Pooja or Homa to Lord Ganesh on Ganesh chaturthi brings -

1. Success, Abundance, Peace & Prosperity.

2. It helps to remove all problems and obstacles from your life.

3. This Holy Puja protects yourself and your family from all evils.
4. This Puja blesses yourself and your family never to face the situation without money.
5. It blesses yourself and your family become successful in all endeavors.
6. Peace and harmony in your family.


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For offering Puja


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For offering Homa & Puja both





You may also make payment to Bharat Spiritual (Phone : 9231571119) through Google Pay / PayTm

In the note write your name, Puja/Homa etc. you opted for, your Phone no. 

In a separate email write your details and send it to pujaonline@gmail.com 

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Offer Tarpan Online


Offer your Sarva Pitru Sraddha online


 Sarva Pitri Shraddha On Pitru Paksha 

(Offering of water and Shradhya to the soul of your dead forefathers on pitar paksh)

(30th September - 14th October ) 


Offering of Tarpan i.e. Sarva Pitru Shraddh on Pitri Paksha to dead forefathers & dead relatives is a ritual followed by Millions of Hindus. It is believed that during the period of Pitru Paksha (fortnight) the Soul or subtle bodies of deceased ancestors or forefathers or anyone who is dead, come down to the earth from Lord Yama’s region i.e. Yamalok to visit their relatives on earth and Seek water from their descendants.  So if the rite of shraddha is performed on one of the days in this fortnight, then the subtle bodies of deceased ancestors remain gratified for the rest of the year and Bless them (descendants). It is the duty of all descendants to satisfy the thirsts of our ancestors or dead relatives in proper way in this auspicious Pitru Paksha. Ideally  Tarpan should be performed at the riverside, more ideally by standing into a Holy river so that the water level touches the belly button, chanting Mantras and offering waters to dead forefathers facing towards East. 


The ritual of shraddha should be performed for one’s deceased father, Mother, grandfather, grandmother, great-grandfather,  great-grandmother, great great-grandfather, great great-grandmother, stepmother, Father-in-law, Mother-in-law, Deceased Husband, wife, son, daughter, deceased brother, sister, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, brother-in-law, Sister-in-law, paternal uncle, maternal uncle, paternal aunt, maternal aunt,  of paternal uncle,  nephew (sister’s son), niece, teachers, priests, friends, the Guru and disciples etc. The names of all those alive should be excluded from these rituals.



Main Tarpan or Pitri Shraddha ritual for dead forefathers & dead relatives to be held 

on the auspicious Day of Amavasya Tithi on Pitri Paksha i.e. 14th October .

[Presently not doing it]


As per our personalized service we also have arranged this personalized service for you. We  offer Tarpan i.e. Sarva Pitru Shraddha to your dead forefathers & relatives from 30th September - 14th October on behalf of you after getting an online order and details from you for that. Therefore you can avail this service from us at a small Cost. Just Click below - 



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Offer Tarpan i.e. Sarva Pitru Sraddha

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Offer Tarpan i.e. Sarva Pitru Sraddha

You can add maximum 4 deceased persons in a single order


For Offering  ' Tarpan ' we need folloing details :

  1. Your full name.

  2. Full name of the Died person for whom Tarpan is to be offered.

  3. Gotro of the Died Man or Woman (If Possible, not mandatory)

  4. Your Relation with the Died Person.

  5. Your full address.

  6. Amount required for offering Tarpan





Holy Puja on Navratri ( 3rd October - 11th October)

During the festival of Navratri, Devi  Durga is worshipped as nine incarnations i.e. avatars. During these nine holy days, each day one of the Avtars of goddess Durga  is worshipped. On these days, devotees perform Durga pooja / puja. The 9 incarnations of Ma Durga are -

1. Mata Shailputri  2. Mata Brahmacharini  3. Mata Chandraghanta  4. Mata Kushmanda  5. Ma Skanda Mata  6. Mata Katyayani  

7.  Mata Kalratri  8. Mata Maha Gauri  9. Mata Siddhidatri

Navratri is basically a very auspicious celebration for Nine days  to adore and offering Puja to Mother Goddess Devi Durga. 

Offer Holy and Auspicious Navratri Puja Online, during Nine days and nights  to -

  1. Overcome obstacles

  2. Fulfill Your Desires

  3. Combat Your Enemies

  4. Bring Success, Prosperity  & Peace in Life.

Offer Auspicious Navratri Puja Online, during Nine days and nights -


Secure PayU Checkout -

Offer Your Puja on all 9 days of 

 Auspicious Navratri.

Secure PayU Checkout -

Offer Puja on ALL 9 DAYS and

 Auspicious Chandi Homa in Navratri

Secure Paypal Checkout -


For offering Puja on ALL 9 DAYS and Night

of auspicious NAVRATRI

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For offering Puja on ALL 9 DAYS and

Devi Chandi Homa in this auspicious NAVRATRI

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 [ 9th - 12 th October ]


"Ya Devi svarbhabhuteshu Shaktirupena sangstitha" |
"namastasyai namastasyai namastasyai namo namaH" ||

"Ya Devi svarbhabhuteshu Matrirupena sangstitha" |
"namastasyai namastasyai namastasyai namo namaH" ||

"Ya Devi svarbhabhuteshu Shantirupena sangstitha" |
"namastasyai namastasyai namastasyai namo namaH" ||

Holy Durga Puja is ahead. It will be held on  20th - 24th October. This 'Tithi' for offering Durga Puja is extremely auspicious and comes only once in a year. Holy Durga Puja brings the new freshness on old one and remove all types of distress a man's life. Durga puja brings the peace, prosperity and  happiness in your family, at your Home and of course in your life. It also brings the Abundance and Peace in all forms in the entire family of a person - at Home, out side, at Work place...

Holy Durga Puja is one of the biggest  Puja which is to be held on  20th - 24th October. This 'Tithi' for offering Durga Puja is extremely auspicious and comes only once in a year.

  If you want  you can offer this Holy Durga Puja online through us in an authentic way.  We offer Puja on behalf of you after getting your Puja order that includes  your details and Puja Amount from you. Holy Puja is to be offered on ' 'MAHA SASTHI, MAHASAPTAMI, MAHASTAMI and MAHANABAMI and MAHA VIJAYA DASAMI Tithi "  i.e.    20th - 24th October. After offering Puja,  'Holy Pushpa' and others after-puja-upachar will be sent directly at your address. You may send your Puja for offering it on all three auspicious 'tithi' during three days.

For offering your online Puja or auspicious Devi Chandi i.e. Durga Homa on this auspicious Tithi of Durga Puja Festival, Pls. click below  -  

PayU Checkout

For offering Devi Durga Puja for 5 days


PayU Checkout

For offering Devi Durga Puja for 5 days 

and Devi Chandi Homam once.


Paypal Checkout -

For offering Devi Durga Puja for 5 days


Paypal Checkout -

For offering Devi Durga Puja for 5 days 

and Devi Chandi Homam once.



You may also make payment to Bharat Spiritual (Phone : 9231571119) through Google Pay / PayTm

In the note write your name, Puja/Homa etc. you opted for, your Phone no. 

In a separate email write your details and send it to pujaonline@gmail.com 



You may also offer

Festive  Puja  Package for 4 major Pujas


Durga Puja

 9-12th October 

Kojagori Lakshmi Puja

16th October

Mahakali Puja

31st October

Diwali 1st November

Alternatively, You can offer all 4 MAJOR Pujas online on this festive season of September - October, in a personalised way in your name or in the name as mentioned by you . These 4 main Pujas are   -  Durga Puja (to be performed on 4 days i.e. MAHA SASTHI, MAHASAPTAMI, MAHASTAMI and MAHANABAMI ), Kojagori Lakshmi Puja, Kali Puja, Puja on Diwali (Maha Lakshmi Puja and Ganesh Puja).


PayU Checkout

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   Payment Options

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Festive  Puja  Package for 2 major Pujas

Durga Puja

9-12 th October

Mahakali Puja

31st OCT- 1st NOV.



You may Offer your holy PUJA to Ma Durga and Ma Kaali both on forth coming  

auspicious Durga Puja & Kali Puja festival -



CCAvenue checkout - 


 Offer Durga Puja & Kali Puja 


 Paypal Checkout -




Kojagori Lakshmi Puja with Satyanarayan Puja & Homa 16th October


Kojagori Lakshmi Puja with Satyanarayan Puja & Homa is one of the Most auspicious spiritual event on the very Poornima (Full Moon) "Tithi" of Festival season in Devi Paksha i.e.  16 th October  Devi Lakshmi and Narayan together is worshipped as the Symbol of Eternal Love, Peace, Wealth and Abundance in all forms in the entire family of a person.

This Puja is performed with the offering of thorough Puja and Homa of Devi Lakshmi and Satyanarayana for creating WEALTH & ABUNDANCE in a family and for being blessed with the affluence of lOVE & PEACE.

You may offer this Holy Puja online. We may perform this Puja for you in personalized way.  For this Click Bwlow -


CCAvenue checkout -

KOJAGORI Lakshmi Puja Online

CCAvenue checkout - 

Kojagori LAKSHMI & SATYANARAYAN Puja & Homa both

Paypal Checkout -


  Paypal Checkout -



You may also offer auspicious SRI SUKTHA HOMAM on this auspicious Tithi -


We offer this Puja on behalf of you after getting your Puja order.




Maha KALI  PUJA  (31st October - 1st November )

After some days of Durga Puja, on auspicious Maha Amabasya tithi this yearly Maha Kali puja is held. This Tithi and timing is extremely auspicious for Shiva-Shakti Puja and comes only once in a year. This year it will be held on  31st October - 1st November This 'Tithi' - time and moments - for offering Kali Puja is extremely auspicious.  KALI the consort of Lord SHIVA and the symbol of SHAKTI. Holy Kali or Kaali Puja brings success in your work, remove all types of distress, Black Magic in a our life. 
Holy Kali Puja fulfills your desires, brings peace, prosperity and happiness in your family, at your Home and of course in your life. It also brings the Abundance and Peace in all forms in the entire family of a person - at Home, out side, at Work place...  

Like past years this year too we have arranged online Kali Puja for you. Offer this Maha Kali Puja online on Maha Amabasya Tithi  for success, Prosperity and to get rid of all evil forces on you & Your family. 

  The procedure is same. We offer Puja for you after getting your Puja order that includes  your details and Puja Amount from you. This Kaali Puja is generally held in Mid night. After offering Puja,  'Holy Pushpa' and others will be sent directly at your address. 

For Offering Puja on this Auspicious Tithi Pls. click below  - 


PayU Checkout  (in Rupee Symbol Text INR) -


PayPal Checkout -




    Maha Kali Homam on the Auspicious Tithi of Maha Kali Puja     

You may also Offer Maha Kali Puja & Homam both on this very auspicious Tithi of Maha Kalipuja -

Maha Kaali Homa or Homam is believed to be very effective for removing  of BAD times which somebody is currently passing through. It is very effective for removing your ENEMY and removing the effect of evils eyes, to combat the effect of Black Magic on someone, relief from continuous failures and acquiring success in  works and all other fronts in our life ... ... ...


PayU Checkout (in Rupee Symbol Text INR) -

PayPal Checkout





other Homam

      Payment Options   

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Puja on Diwali  Deepavali (31st October - 1st November)


Success, Abundance, Wealth, Prosperity and Peace in life is derived with the blessings of Lord Ganesha and Devi Lakshmi. Diwali or Deepavali is one of the most auspicious day when both Devi Lakshmi and Lord Ganesh is worshipped together.

Offer Special Lakshmi - Ganesh Puja on Diwali or Deepavali i.e. on 31st October - 1st November for your Abundance & Success during the whole year. Deepavali or Diwali is the  festival ("UTSAV") of light, festival of Abundance, festival of success and the festival of peace i.e. Shanti. Diwali is offering of your "Bhakti" and reverence to Mata LAXMI and Lord GANESH Who Makes you smiling throughout your life by giving you the material and nonmaterial gains and abundance - MONEY, WEALTH, PEACE and SUCCESS.

 To bring all of these to be happened in your life, you may offer your PUJA Or HOMA & PUJA BOTH 

to Mata Lakshmi (Laxmi) and Lord Ganesh together online on this Deepavali i.e. Diwali  - 


PayU Checkout (in Rupee Symbol Text INR) - PayPal Checkout

Offer Puja Now


Offer Homa & Puja both





Lakshmi-Kubera Puja and Homam i.e. Havan


 The day of Deepavali is also an auspicious Day for offering of Holy Lakshmi-Kubera Homa. It is believed that by performing Lakshmi Kubera Hoamam and Pooja, one can get rid of his financial difficulty and can also create surplus wealth. Devi Lakshmi is believed to be the Goddess of Fortune, Goddess of wealth and Goddess of prosperity. She removes the scarcity of money and removes the financial difficulties of a person. Whereas, Kubera is believed to be the Lord of wealth, 'Adhipati' i.e. king of wealth, prosperity and wealthiest Deva.

PayU Checkout (in Rupee Symbol Text INR) -

PayPal Checkout













Holy Jagadhatri Puja is ahead. It will be held on 10th November . This 'Tithi' for offering Jagadhatri Puja is extremely auspicious and comes only once in a year. Divine Mother Jagadhatri is believed to be another form of Devi Durga. Holy Jagadhatri Puja brings the new freshness on old one and is believed to remove all types of distress in life. Jagadhatri puja brings the peace, prosperity and  happiness in your family, at your Home and of course in your life. It brings Success and Protection for you and your family. It brings Wealth, Abundance and Prosperity in all forms in the entire family of a person - at Home, out side, at Work place...


You may offer this Jagadhatri Puja online and for this you may click below-

PayU Checkout  (in Rupee Symbol Text INR) -


PayPal Checkout




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We need following details from you for offering Puja and Homam (Not Mandatory

  1. Your full name.

  2. Your full address.

  3. Date of birth, Place of Birth, Timeof Birth (If  possible )

  4. 'Puja' amount.

  5. Your "Gotro" (if possible)

  6. Puja purpose (Your desire for offering Puja).


For any query you can contact at -  indusland@yahoo.com



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