~ Kavach ~

 - the Divine protector -






Holy Kavach or Kawach or Kavacham is a Spiritual defensive instrument that is made in personalized way for your protection and prosperity. It is a spiritual amulet, Spiritual Locket and is called a Divine protector that creates a powerful spiritual Guard  on you which may protect you from Evils, Dangers, Misfortunes, Black magic, bad luck, Losses in business, accidents, Buri najar i.e. evil eyes, bad health etc. It also gives Protection, Success, Prosperity ...



Kavach making started at the ancient periods even more than 5500 years back in india. It is the ancient spiritual process of creating protection against evils and negative powers so that the Positive energies can get space to act positively on you and to expedite the process of fulfilling your WISHES and DESIRES. 

Holy Kavach or Kavacham is basically a very powerful Spiritual instrument made in personalized way for you to protect you from negative incidents, crisis and misfortunes in life; to make you safe, saves you from all evil forces and also to make you out of reach of your enemies. This powerful Amulet or Trinket i.e. Talisman provides you with the protection against all evil forces which ruins your dreams, desires and peace in life. Holy Kavach creates a guard on you ... gives you a protection against your enemy's efforts for doing harm on you  and saves you from negatives events happen to you and negatives fortune takes a control on you and that's why it is called Raksha Kavach (Raksha means protection).  It protects you from all sorts of Black Magic against you too.

In a nut shell Holy Kavacham is a spiritual amulet that creates a powerful spiritual Guard on you which may protect you from Evils, Dangers, Misfortunes, Black magic, bad luck, Losses in business, accidents, Buri najar i.e. evil eyes, bad health etc.

We make Raksha Kavach in personalized way for individual requirements and in individual names completely manually through rigorous spiritual procedures. It takes nearly 1-2 weeks for making a single ENERGIZED & ACTIVATED Kavach. Some important Kavach are  - 

Maha Kali Kavach, Bagalamukhi Kavach, Mahamrityunjaya Kavach, Shani Shanti Kavach, Haridra Ganesh Kavach, Maha Ganapati Tantra Kavach, Navagraha Kavach, saraswati Kavach, Neel Saraswati Kavach, Rahu Kavach, ShivaShakti Kavach, Maha Sudarshan Kavach, Ma Tara Raksha Kavach etc.


Kavach making is a tough & ancient spiritual procedure by which the Divine Energies are stored in a piece of amulet which somebody has to wear like a necklace or tie up with a specified coloured threads or chains at the specified part of body like upper part of elbow. This amulet automatically try to protects him from negative  incidents happen to him and bring a safe passage in the way of his / her Life.


We make Kavach in PERSONALIZED WAY and MANUALLY, through the rare spiritual process. It takes time to prepare a single Kavach. However, it is the proper way for making  Kavach.


Lifespan of these Spiritual Kavach runs forever in attachment with devotees body. Only a suggested Periodic re-activation Puja of the Kavach is required every 2 years interval at the price US $21. But remember, you need not detach it from your body to send it to us for this re-activation Pujas after 2 years. This re-activation Puja process is done online and you need not send us your kavach for this Puja. It is done remotely.



Maha Kali Raksha Kavach FOR PROTECTION -

Very Auspicious Kavach which may gives you a Success in your mission or project. It removes the clouds of uncertainty and gives you success. This Kavach saves you from your acute crisis, Danger and many negative incidents. It saves you from life threatening condition too. Mahakali Kavach is also ideal for giving you protection against the effect of Black Magic, getting rid of evils eye (Buri Najar) too. People also go for Maha Kaali Kavach for removing the fear, the effect of bad persons' evil forces or Black magic. Also for bringing peace and happiness in their family or individually. It is believed that wearing of Maha kali Kavach by Husband and wife of a family leads to a harmony, peace and prosperity in that family. Maha kali Kavacham is equally effective to cure the broken relationship between a Husband and wife or between Love mates. It may attract the opposite sex i.e the man or the woman to you whom you have fallen in love with.


Cost of Maha Kali Kavach is INR 8103 or US $ 156



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Bagalamukhi Kavach FOR PROTECTION -

It is said that Offering of Puja and homa to Devi Bagala Mukhi acts like a weapon to stop your enemy from doing a harm against you. It is also believed that by offering Puja and Homa to Ma Bagalamukhi somebody can get a relief from legal problems; he/she can get rid of being the victim of an adverse incidents; can avoid the possibility of accidents, blood shed etc.  Holy KAVACH of DEVI BAGALAMUKHI gives you a protection from those above negative events in your life. It gives you a guard against your Enemies (Enemy's activities targeting you ...to make harm of you) and  gives you a victory on them. It gives you a success combating your adverse situation & Misfortunes. Baglamukhi Kavach is also very effective for removing the effect of Blackmagic done by your enemy against you for making harm. 

Cost of Devi Bagalamukhi Kavach is INR 8103 or US $ 156


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Neel Saraswati or Nila Sarswati Kavach for Knowledge, wisdom and Education


In tantrik culture and literature Devi Tara has 3 manifestations - Ekjata Tara, Ugra Tara and Neel Saraswati. Neel Saraswati or Nil Tara provides knowledge, culture, Education. Devi Nila tara or Neel Saraswati is the Goddess of Speech. She is the Goddess of giving Knowledge and progress in Education or in any field. The person who worship Ma Tara becomes well accomplished in all the branches of Education, Literature and culture. It is said that Mahamuni Vyas Deva would not be able to complete the eighteen Mahapuranas unless he got the grace of Goddess Neel Tara. 

It is said that Ma Tara Kavach increases and enhances the knowledge and progress in education. It brings progress and success. It is said that devotees or students who wear this holy Kavach, Devi Neel Saraswati blesses and brings progress and success for them. For those students who lags behind in their studies, education and competition; this Neel Saraswati or Nila sarswati kavach may be a right choice. 

Devi Neel Saraswati Kavach is said to be very effective for students trying to get good scores in the examination and competitive examinations. It may give quick progress and success to a student who wants to scores high in Exam. This auspicious kavach is believed to be effective even for those students who have lack of concentration in studies, education and doing bad in exam. It is believed that as this Bramh-moyee Triguna-Shakti Ma Tara contains the form of Neel Saraswati. Therefore, Devi Neel Saraswati or Neel Tara Kavach creates attentiveness, concentration in the mind of students for their own education and gives rise to a good progress and better results in education and examination. 

Not only in India even in Tibet, Neel Srarswati that is Nil Tara is prayed for as the Goddess of art, literature, culture and knowledge.

Cost of Devi Neel Saraswati Kavach is INR 6501 or US $ 138


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Mahamrityunjaya Raksha Kavach FOR PROTECTION -  




Maha Mrityunjay Kavach is one of the most powerful Kavach which is believed to be spiritually capable in bringing back a person in normal life from a life threatening situation. This Kavach rejuvenates the vitality of a person who is even in a death bed by becoming the victim of some diseases or accident and may saves his / her life. Mahamrityunjaya Kavach has multiple functions - It is really good for removing the dreaded ill effect of Kaalsarp Dosa, Mangalik (Mangal) Dosa or Planatory flaws in someone's Horoscope which ruins his / her life. It removes misfortunes and gives you a success of your work.  It fulfills the Dreams & Desires of a person. This Holy Kavach is believed to be capable of removing the chances of the Accidents or dangers in someone's life. It protects and saves the life of someone who suddenly fallen into the death trap.  It removes the fear, bad dreams etc. It brings peace in mind and removes anxiety, restlessness and mental instability. IT ALSO BRINGS BACK COURAGE, LOST FAITH AND MENTAL & PHYSICAL STRENGTH THAT DERIVES SUCCESS FOR YOU.


Cost of Maha Mrityunjay Kavach is INR  11001or US $ 201



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 Shree Bitta Kavach  ( Kavach For Wealth, Prosperity and Earnings)

The rare Spiritual Kavach for monetary gain, earnings, prosperity, wealth and happiness. It is believed to act fast and gradually helps you gaining wealth and success in your work, in business and in your profession. It is believed to increases wealth,  brings Success, prosperity and enhance your monetary power. It is also believed that this Spiritual Kavach with Divine power and Blessings of Tri Maha Shakti with God &  Goddess of Glory and Wealth, paves the way for increasing your earnings and Financial strength.  This is further believed that the fine spiritual and Divine process behind this auspicious Kavach act and influence you in Practical positive way and helps you to be healthy, wealthy and wise.

Shri Bitta Kavach is basically the combination of Kavacham and a powerful religious support system to bring wealth, finance and prosperity in legitimate way and also to retain them  with protection too in your favour. It is also believed to be good enough for those people who are already in business but not getting desired results.

Auspicious Shree Bitta Kavach comes in a package with auspicious Yantra which is made too in a personalized way. This Kavach costs US $ 363 and takes 3 weeks time to complete.  If you want a positive change in your  Financial status then you may try with it -




[Pls. note, Kavach is not a magic or magic remedy but an age old belief (several thousands of years) very auspicious and suggested structured powerful reliable Spiritual Process of storing spiritual or divine power in your favour that is subsequently activated and keeps favouring you spiritually and practically for fulfilling your desire. It is a piece of small amulet in which that spiritual Divine Power is stored through rigorous specific systematic religious process. This Spiritual amulet is required to be worn in your body.]


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Surya Kavach  Sun Kavach




Strength * Protection * Success

Lord Surya i.e. Sun is the only visible God to us. He gives Light and Life to us. He gives strength, gives power and ego. Sun gives fame, courage. Sun gives Pranas, vitality, energy. 

Surya is Maha Roga Nasak i.e. great eliminator of diseases. Sun and sun rays greatly affect the inner most spirit of human beings. It gives and control the life force.

Favourable placement of Sun in Horoscope may bring goodwill, fame, good social status, good fortune and success etc. People in politics and in business get big success on the way of their life. People's success in the field of other occupation also greatly governed by the Sun. Adverse placement may bring negative results, lack of courage, lack of energy, pessimistic attitude and over all unsatisfaction with stressful life.

Auspicious Surya Kavach i.e. Sun Kavach is said to be very helpful and effective to bring Sun's energy ...vital energy ...life force in spiritual way and thus the divine influence and blessings of Lord Surya that may give support in a divine and spiritual way to cure many diseases. It may rectify the astrological flaws and malefic effect of Sun in your Horoscope and may reward you with a much healthy successful and prosperous life.



If you want you can get Surya Kavach made in personalized way for you. It costs INR 8751  or US $ 165. 

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Life of Surya Kavach runs forever in attachment with devotees body. Only a suggested Periodic re-activation Puja of the Kavach is required every 2 years interval at the price US $21. This re-activation Puja is done online and you need not send us your kavach for this Puja.




Shani Deva Kavach : to remove the evil effect of Saturn -

It is said that if Shani Deva i.e. the Effect of Saturn goes against you then your life may be ruined. Facing of Troubles,  Obstacles and misfortunes may make your life extremely miserable. Shani Deva Kavach i.e. Saturn Kavach is a spiritual amulet which is made in personalized way for you that creates a powerful spiritual Guard on you to give you a protection and guard against Saturn's evil effect.


It is believed that Lord Saturn bestows all benefits to those devotees who pray to him with full devotion. Shani Shanti Kavach is said to play very vital role to appease Grah Raj Shani Deva to remove or Minimize the Malefic effect of Shani on you and to bestow Good Luck, Peace and Prosperity. 


Shani Deva is the God of 'Karm'  i.e. activeness. It is said,  if SHANI DEVA  is in your favour or if SHANI DEVA is satisfied with you then all of  your desires will be fulfilled - Because the effect of Shani Grah is such that it will steer you in all of your activities which brings success. You may get an uninterrupted all-round progress in your personal, professional, working life.  But if Shani Deva is not in your favour then your life become miserable ... ...all round loss and uncertainty, loss of hope will be there ... in each and every point of your activities you may face trouble and as a result your life may be full of distress and success is far ...far away of your reach. A successful man may start facing immense negative effects in professional and personal life any time whenever the negative effect of SHANI DEVA  come and fall on him/her. So the first thing is to keep Shani Deva always in your favour. The Malefic effect of Shani i.e. planet Saturn is so intense that being under this effect even a King may have to live a life of a beggar. Therefore the foremost step should be, to bring Shani Deva in your favour to minimize or remove its malefic  effects which the Shani Shanti Kavach does for you.


Shani Shanti Kavach is made in PERSONALIZED WAY for you through Shani Puja, Shani Homam and then Shani Kavach Puja. Thus it become very powerful which may protect you from Shani negative Aspect i.e. Malefic effect of Saturn.    This Kavach is very useful for them too who are passing through Shani Maha Dasha (Saturn Maha phase) or Shani Antar Dasha (Saturn Internal phase).


If you want you can get Shani Deva Kavach made in personalized way for you. It costs INR 7001  or US $ 138.


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Other Planetary Kavach


NAME OF KAVACH Payment through PayU Payment through PayPal
Chandra Kavach  i.e. Moon Kavach  :  

Mangal  Kavach  i.e. Mars Kavach :  

Boodh  Kavach  i.e. Mercury Kavach :  

Brihaspati  Kavach i.e. Jupiter Kavach :  

Sukra  Kavach  i.e. Venus Kavach :  

Rahu Kavach :  

Ketu Kavach :  







Sukra Bhubaneswari Kavach




Sukra i.e. Venus gives you the enjoyment in life. It gives wealth and financial strength, it gives love, it gives conjugal happiness, it gives material gains. Indirectly it gives you the strength of enjoying your life. In a nutshell,  it really gives the colours in your life.


But if this venus i.e. Sukra is disturbed in your horoscope then the shadow falls on those every aspects in your life and you may face enough obstacles in enjoying your life. 


Auspicious Sukra-Bhubaneswari Kavach may rectify this problem to a great extent. It is said that Offering Poojas to Devi Bhubaneshwari brings health, wealth, fortune, protection, prosperity and success. She also remove obstacles in life, bring marital happiness and peace at home. 


Sukra-Bhubaneswari Kavach is specially made to combat those obstacles in your life. If you want you may get this auspicious Sukra-Bhubaneswari Kavach made in personalized way for you. Cost INR 9003 or US $174.



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Budh - Trishakti Kavach ( Mercury Tri Shakti Kavach )


Role of Mercury in human life is immense. It governs sense and intelligence. It gives you practical sense, gives you logic, makes you strategic and governs your communication skills. Planet Budh i.e. mercury influence greatly the decision making process. Thus it gives you the success in your line of action, success in your career, success in Business, Success in your life. People having Mercury in good position in their chart have sharp thinking process and sharp analytical mind at right direction.


You may be a writer or lecturer, artist, engineer, astrologer, mathematician, dealer, broker, businessman, serviceman or even a Politician ; but unless the position of your Boodh i.e. Mercury is good in your horoscope then you may not get the desired success in life ...in your career.


...then what is the solution if the mercury is badly placed in horoscope or not strong. Yes, in this case certainly you can try out with : Budh Trishakti Kavach, it may be a good solution for you. Cost is INR 8751  or US $165

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Narasimha Kavach


Lord Narsimha or Narasimha is the Avatar of Lord Vishnu. He is the incurnation of Lord Vishnu having the body of a man with a Lion head - a fierce form. 

Lord Narashima is the symbol of protection. He protects devotees and fulfills their wishes and desires. It is believed that by offering Homam, Puja to Lord Narsimha or wearing of Narasimha Kavach people get relief from the malefic effects of planets in their horoscope and get back to peaceful life. The auspicious Narasinha Homam or Kavach protects the devotee from enemies, Graha dosa i.e. malefic planetary effects, evil forces around him or her and Black magic . It is also believed that powerful Narasimha Homam or Kavach even removes the potential life risks and life threats of a person and bring him to a safer life. It removes fear and uncertainties and gifts the devotees a trouble free life with Health, Wealth and prosperity.

Cost of Narasimha Kavach is INR 8001 OR US$ 156

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Haridra Ganesh Kavach FOR PROTECTION & SUCCESS -

It is believed to be one of the very powerful Kavach and a perfect weapon for eradicating your existing problems and giving you the Success, prosperity, protection and helps to reach your goal. Haridra Ganesh Kavach is based on GANESH TANTRA that emits high spiritual energy to remove your problems you are facing and fulfill your desires. This auspicious amulet which is prepared with regorous spiritual procedure in PERSONALIZED way for you have multiple benefits. It is said that this auspicious Kavach removes personal financial crisis of a man, financial crisis in business and helps to continue smooth running the business. It helps to give boost in business and helps to protect from repeated loss. It is also said that this powerful Kavach has got the rescue-effect to those person who are burdened and trapped in multiple problems simultaneously and gradually loosing the hope to overcome. For those people who are in service and facing problems at office, at home and outside; this kavach may give them a relief. Haridra Ganesh Kavach is said to be very good and effective spiritual amulet that also protects you very well from evil effects of black magic and prevents your enemies to do harm and mischief against you. 

If you want you can get Haridra Ganesh Kavach made in personalized way for you. It costs INR 7500  or US $ 147. For this pls. Click Below -


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Hanuman Raksha Kavach

Lord Hauman is believed to be the incarnation of Lord Shiva who took birth to serve Lord Rama ... His father is Lord Pavan i.e. Vayu i.e. air and that's why he is addressed as Pavana putra Hanuman. His mother is Anjani. Lord Hanuman is believed to be the only living God in the form of super human being. This monkey like God has enormous strength. He is a Great Yogi, immortal and omnipresent. Hanuman Puja is really beneficial for all those who want to attain strength, wisdom and knowledge.

 Hanuman Raksha Kavach is made with the blessings and power of Lord Hanuman and is believed to be very much beneficial and useful. This powerful Kavach is prepared with rigorous spiritual activities for Lord Hanuman that is believed to protect you from happening any danger. It is the belief of millions of people that Hanuman kavach brings Power, Strength, Vitality and Victory. It is also said to  be very effective that saves from evil forces like Dead Atma, Evil Spirits, Ghosts,  evil forces, envy, evil eyes etc. Hanuman Kavach  brings huge courage, mental strength and makes you strong and brave.  It is supposed that it cure illness, removes ill-health and minimizes sufferings.  It is believed that this powerful Kavach protects you from facing accidents and also protect you from happening any danger on the way of your life. Hanuman Raksha Kavach is said to be very effective for getting mental strength and courage. It is also said to be effective in minimising Saturn and Mars negative effects in your horoscope.  It is said that this kavach creates a shield around you and it protects you always. This Kavach is also said to be very effective for your childrens. It is also the belief of millions of girls and ladies that this Hanuman Kavach protects them from being physically assulted and abused.


If you want you can get Bal Raksha Hanuman Kavach made in personalized way for you. It costs INR 6006  or US $ 120. For this pls. Click Below -

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For placing an Order for this KAVACH for you or for anyone else pls. do not forget to write your particulars in a separate email and send us at indusland@yahoo.com   You may also write this information in course in course of placing order -

  1. Name, 

  2. Complete Address

  3. Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Time of Birth ()

  4. Gotro (if your know)

  5. Your Desire (Your purpose for buying Kavach ) 

  6. Name of the Enemy (if any)

  7. THE MEASUREMENT OF YOUR ELBOW FROM THE TIP OF YOUR MIDDLE FINGER (This is mainly required for Homa. It means the distance between your elbow and middle finger tip).

  8. It is better if you can send your scanned Photograph by email (not mandatory).






Bharat Spiritual Services is dedicated to assist you for fulfilling your dreams, wishes and desires in a different way with a Divine i.e. Spiritual ways and practices. It is committed to support you in your need, 

help you to overcome obstacles and enemies, try to protect you and helps you to bring success and happiness in your life.



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