1. I'm interested to offer Puja but how can I send payment ? - I don't have credit card. Ans. : Pls. go to the Payment Option Page. There you can find different option for sending payments. Choose any one of them. 2. What is the proof of Puja ? Ans. : Pls. see "Honesty & Authenticity" in this regard. Besides, we send you real time Photographs and Video clippings of your Pujas and Homam or Havan. We need your WhatsApp no. for this. 3. What is the minimum time required for offering Puja ? Ans. : In some cases within 24 hrs. and in some cases 72 hrs. We always try to find the auspicious timings for offering your Puja. Sometimes if we find that you don't have hurry and also within a few days there is an auspicious day then we try to offer your Puja on that auspicious day to derive a better divine result. According to Hinduism spiritual power is activated on auspicious day of respective God or Goddess. 4. I want to offer Puja on a particular day and a particular time - is it possible ? Ans. : Yes it is possible. In this regard we would like to request you that pls. send the puja order at least few days before that particular day. However, if your mentioned date for offering Puja coincides with any festival day then we may (sometimes) request you to change the date so that your Puja can be performed in a much better and personalized way. 5. What is the delivery time ? Ans. : Generally within 2-5 days of offering Puja we ship (deliver) your after-puja-upachar. Now it generally take 2-3 days to reach your home if your address within India. For over seas delivery it generally take 10 to 15 days to reach your home. However, sometimes it is seen that after-puja-upachar are required to be dried up. Then the delivery or shipment time for after-puja-upachars deferred. In rainy season shipment time is required more. However, pls. note further that due to customs, shipping, legal and other restrictions and also for your safety we may not be able to send or deliver after-puja-items. 6. How do you perform Puja or Homa ? Ans. : After receiving your Puja or Homa order which contains your name, date of birth, place of birth, time of birth, Gotro, Star, purpose of Puja and lastly your choice of Puja or Homam; we start finding auspicious Date and time for offering your Puja (i.e. auspicious 'Tithi') so that you can get the maximum spiritual benefits. And then arrange and perform Puja or Homam on that day. 7. What is Homa and how do you perform it and what is he proof ? Ans. : Homa or Homam is one of the High level of Spiritual Activities which is done by invoking divine powers mainly through Fire, for well-being of the people for their individual requirements. Homa is Offering of Special Pujas for Success, Abundance, peace, prosperity in life, to get rid of evil forces... etc. ... This is basically offering of intensive Pujas to different GODS and GODDESS with different powerful spiritual "Kriyas". People go for Homa and Aradhana with belief in mind of getting a faster spiritual effect or result like - To get a peace and happiness in mind, peace at home (griha shanti) and workplace, For protection from miseries, fulfillment of wishes and for spiritual benefits. For prosperity, material abundance (money and wealth), and spiritual prosperity. For a speedy recovery from illness, To remove troubles that prevent us from starting a spiritual path or business. For getting married. For a smooth life, peace and harmony in the family, to improve family relations, for sustaining the family, for departed souls.
Homa and Aradhana is also done to remove - Evil Forces, obstacles and negative vibration around a person and family and work places that hinders the success, progress and prosperity, Business Losses, distress etc. It is a time consuming intensive Puja process which is done by igniting fire and invoking the spiritual power of deity.
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